Himadri Tanaya Lenka
From Chairperson's Desk
Do always believe in subtracting the obvious in life and always
concentrate on adding meaningful propositions to both personal and professional front to
the successful. Always give importance to the existence of great delight and happiness
caused by something exceptionally good satisfying, Keen pleasure and elation. Show the
ultimate and most meaningful embodiment of emotional maturity while on a peak or
distress. I always believe in my role of being the ultimate source of support both from
cur thin and outside. I always believe in commitment;
“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans” – Peter F.
Commitment has a great impact on the successful performance of an organization. This is
because a highly committed employee will identify with the goals and values of NBS and
has a stronger divine to belong to the organization is willing to display greater
organization is willing to display greater organizational citizenship behaviour, a
willingness to go over and beyond their required responsibilities when derived.
Committed human resources are competitive advantage and we stood by competencies in
every walk of life.
Learn anytime..............